We Feel La Plata

We Feel La Plata

In 2019, the Sentimos program was launched in the City of La Plata thanks to the support of The Pollination Project. The photographer and journalist Carla Coria developed an exhibition composed of 19 photographs that incorporate as an innovative element the description of the photographs in Braille reading and writing system and audio description that was accessed through a QR code. This with the intention of making it accessible to all types of audiences.
During 2019 it was visited by more than 13,000 people, exhibiting in 15 spaces in the city of La Plata and the Villarino District, Province of Buenos Aires.

Photographs of the sample

We feel we have the support of

Logo de pollination project. (Has clic aquí para abrir una pestaña al sitio externo).
Logo de Cámara de diputados de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Has clic aquí para abrir una pestaña al sitio externo).
Logotipo del honorable senado de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Logotipo de la Caja de Abogados de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Logotipo de la Municipalidad de Rauch.
Logotipo de la Facultad de periodismo y comunicación social de la universidad nacional de la plata.
Logotipo de Carla Coria fotografías.
Logotipo de Medi Home.
Logotipo de biblioteca de braile y parlante de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Logotipo de Taxi FM radio.

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