September 21 – International Day of Peace

Informative photo about the International Day of Peace Entitled “Equity as a bridge to achieve peace” by Lelio Sánchez. It has the picture of hands of different people holding carefully a globe to scale. Below, an invitation to read the note on and the logo of Fundación Comparlante.

Equity as a bridge to achieve peace

The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. Two decades later, in 2001, the Assembly members unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-fire.

The 2022 Peace Day Theme is “End racism. Build peace”. Racial discrimination as any type of discrimination represents a barrier to achieve peace, and thus, everybody must reflect upon it and contribute to change.

Fundación Comparlante’s slogan is that diversity is a value, and we are sure we can live in a better world by respecting differences, standing in solidarity, and being tolerant.   

In our organization, we defend equity as a bridge to achieve piece. However, this involves much more than just a desire for an ideal state of coexistence. On the contrary, this is a construction that requires our most active personal and collective commitment. In this regard, an ongoing development of our physical and virtual environments, our communication, forms of participation, and access to opportunities in equative conditions for everyone, without any distinction, shall allow us to move and sustain ourselves as a society of peace.

This day represents an opportunity to reflect upon and to act. Each one of us has the chance to build and to live with peace as a banner every day.

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